The Smart Conference Facilities
The Chairman gives his comprehensive Annual Report
The AGM - The Accounts are approved
Anne Shankland receives the Award for Best Web Site
Maggie Bird tells us about Metropolitan Police Records
Pamila Horn discusses early Victorian Elementary Schools
Kathy Chater explores Black Ancestry
Alan Rushton is enthusiastic about the Dr Williams Library of Non-Conformist Records
The Andy Dickens Jazz Band is well received
The President thanks the Band for some great music
Sandra Turner chairs the Regional Reps Meeting next morning
Kirsty helps Paul Blake to set up his presentation
who tells us how to research Families in British India
David Bartram gives us a personal journey "Beyond the Handwriting"
Nick Barratt gives us a very interesting look at making FH TV programmes
Paul Millington explains the mysteries of the GOONS WebSite
Howard announces the winner of his drama competition